Skinmedika nace de la pasion por el mejoramiento de la apariencia personal. Especializado en técnicas anti-aging y medicina estética.
Para citas contáctanos.
Skinmedika was born from the passion for improving personal appearance. Specialized in anti-aging techniques and aesthetic medicine.
For appointments contact us.
For appointments contact us.
Cirujana dentista desde el año 2000.
Interesada siempre en los detalles y estética Victoria se certifica por el Board de La Academia Americana de Medicina Estética 2019 (AAA Med).
Máster en Medicina Estética y Envejecimiento fisiológico y diploma de especialización post grado en medicina cosmética y estética en la Universidad de Barcelona en el 2019.
Su trabajo se caracteriza por crear resultados naturales, resaltando la belleza única de cada paciente que le visita.
Dental surgeon since the year 2000.
Always interested in details and aesthetics Victoria is certified by the Board of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine 2019 (AAA Med).
Always interested in details and aesthetics Victoria is certified by the Board of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine 2019 (AAA Med).
Master in Aesthetic Medicine and Physiological Aging and postgraduate specialization diploma in cosmetic and aesthetic medicine at the University of Barcelona in 2019.
Her work is characterized by creating natural results, highlighting the unique beauty of each patient who visits him.